July 2023

On 20.07.2023, the State Duma in the third (final) reading adopted a bill that clarifies administrative liability for violations related to manifestations of monopolistic activity in digital commodity markets.

July 2023

In the information letter prepared by the specialists of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation, in particular, it is emphasized that when purchasing goods, work or services using the KTRU position, in respect of which the reference information contains an indication of the OKPD 2 code included in the List approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 08.12.2021 N 3500-p (hereinafter - the List N 3500-p), the customer establishes and grants an advantage to procurement participants who are organizations of persons with disabilities, provided for in Article 29 of Law No. 44-FZ.

July 2023

The specialists of the Federal Antimonopoly Service of Russia indicated that the customer should establish a requirement for the procurement participants to have membership in the SRO, the scope of regulation of which correlates with the result of the work that is the object of the purchase, and also gave examples of establishing such a requirement in various cases.

July 2023

Specialists of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation spoke about the specifics of procurement by legal entities specified in Part 4.1 of Article 15 of Federal Law No. 44, when providing them with subsidies provided for in paragraphs 8 and 8.1 of Article 78 and sub-paragraphs 3 and 3.1 of paragraph 1 of Article 78.3 of the Budget Code of the Russian Federation. In particular, it was clarified that the provisions of Federal Law No. 44 regulating the procurement planning procedure do not apply to the procurement of these persons. They also have no obligation to achieve the volume of purchases from small business entities, socially oriented non-profit organizations and to achieve the minimum mandatory share of purchases of Russian goods.

July 2023

The specialists of the department explained that when goods are imported into the Russian Federation from the territory of other member states of the Eurasian Economic Union on the basis of a contract concluded with a supplier registered in the territory of a member state of the Eurasian Economic Union, with the exception of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as the supplier from the Eurasian Economic Union), the customer acts as a taxpayer of indirect taxes (income tax value added and excise taxes) on such goods.

14.07.2023 employees of the State Procurement Committee of the Republic of Tatarstan, as spectators, took part in a friendly match between the women's national teams of Russia and Iran.

July 2023

Federal Law No. 223 does not set a deadline upon the occurrence of which amendments to the notice of competitive procurement, documentation on competitive procurement are not allowed.

July 2023

Representatives of the Ministry in their letter, in particular, noted that the initial maximum price of the contract, in the case of procurement of security services by a budgetary institution, is determined on the basis of the provisions of the Procedure approved by Order of Rosgvardiya No. 45 dated 02/15/2021. At the same time, taking into account that the costs for the purchase of goods, works and services must correspond to the indicators of the schedule, the initial maximum price of the contract for the provision of security services should not exceed the expenses of the budget institution provided for in the schedule for the purchase of such services.

July 2023

The Order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation dated June 4, 2018 No. 126n establishes the conditions for the admission of foreign goods admitted to the territory of the Russian Federation for the purposes of procurement under Federal Law No. 44.

July 2023

The Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation plans to bring into compliance with the current version of Part 8 of Article 93 of Federal Law No. 44, paragraph 11 of the Rules for Approval by the control body in the Field of Procurement of Goods, Works, Services for State and Municipal Needs of concluding a contract with a single supplier (contractor, contractor) approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 30.06.2020 No. 961.

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