August 2023

Specialists of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation have developed a draft procedure for the formation of a list of medical devices and specialized medical nutrition products, during the procurement of which, by virtue of subparagraph "d" of paragraph 1 of Part 1 of Article 33 of Federal Law No. 44, it is allowed to use a trademark indication in the description of the object of purchase.

August 2023

In connection with the publication of resolutions of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 08.04.2023 N 572 "On approval of standard terms of contracts for the repair of highways, artificial road structures" and dated 29.06.2023 N 1066 "On standard terms of contracts for the construction, reconstruction, overhaul, demolition of capital construction", it is planned to recognize the order as invalid Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation dated 05.02.2019 N 37 "On approval of standard terms of contracts for construction (reconstruction), major repairs, repair of highways, artificial road structures and an information map of standard contract terms". I

August 2023

Specialists of the tax department in their letter, in particular, noted that the Unified State Register of Legal Entities does not contain information about the affiliation of a legal entity or participants (founders) of a legal entity to an offshore company. At the same time, in relation to a joint-stock company, the Unified State Register of Legal Entities contains information that the company consists of a single participant (shareholder), and information about such a participant. At the same time, information about the participants (shareholders) of the joint-stock company can be obtained from the holder of the register of shareholders of the joint-stock company.

July 2023

The agency told when the permit for the purchase of foreign products from the "forbidden" list can be reused. It also explained what suppliers need to take into account when executing contracts based on the results of purchases with restrictions on the admission of imported manufactured goods or medical products.

July 2023

The corresponding amendments have been made to Article 453 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation defining the consequences of the amendment and termination of the contract.

July 2023

The Federal Treasury is conducting a pilot project to specify the characteristics of the procurement object in a structured form in a notice in accordance with Law No. 44-FZ and submit a structured application for such notices with the active participation of electronic platforms, customers and authorized bodies from several regions of the country, including the Republic of Tatarstan.

July 2023

According to experts of the Treasury of Russia, when forming a notice of procurement, the customer has the right to establish contract enforcement, including in the amount of 30% of the NMCC, advance payments - in the amount of 50% of the NMCC.

July 2023

Sergey Ryabukhin, First Deputy Chairman of the Federation Council Committee on Budget and Financial Markets, held a round table on July 20, 2023 on the topic "Improving legislation regulating procurement activities in order to restructure the economy."

The Board of Directors of the Bank of Russia decided to raise the key rate by 100 basis points to 8.50% per annum. The Bank of Russia admits the possibility of a further increase in the key rate at the next meetings. According to the Central Bank's forecast, annual inflation will be 5.0-6.5% in 2023 and will return to 4% in 2024.


July 2023

In accordance with the provisions of Part 8 of Article 93 of Federal Law No. 44, paragraph 11 of the Rules for Approval by the control body in the Field of Procurement of Goods, Works, services for state and municipal Needs of concluding a contract with a single supplier (contractor, contractor) approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 30.06.2020 N 961 is given.

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