National regime: features of public procurement and contract execution in the explanations of the Ministry of Finance

31 July 2023, Monday

The agency told when the permit for the purchase of foreign products from the "forbidden" list can be reused. It also explained what suppliers need to take into account when executing contracts based on the results of purchases with restrictions on the admission of imported manufactured goods or medical products.

Prohibition on admission of foreign industrial products

According to the Ministry of Finance, the permit for the purchase of imported products with a ban on admission can be reused. This is permissible when concluding a transaction with a single supplier after the auction has been declared invalid. At the same time, it is necessary to take into account the term of such a permit.

Recall: the document is valid for 18 months from the date of issue only for 1 purchase.

Restrictions on the admission of imported medical products and manufactured goods

The Agency explained: the certificate ST-1, which confirms the country of origin of medical products, should not be expired at the time of acceptance. If the customer is not presented with a valid document, he is obliged to withdraw from the transaction.

The same applies to the document on the country of the goods, which is transferred to the customer when executing the contract based on the results of the purchase with restrictions on the admission of foreign industrial products. We are talking about the conclusion of the Ministry of Industry and Trade, on the basis of which information about the product was entered into the Russian register.



Letter of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation dated 04.07.2023 N 24-06-06/62182

Letter of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation dated 05.07.2023 N 24-06-06/62568

Letter of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation dated 05.07.2023 N 24-06-06/62566

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