September 2023

The State Committee of the Republic of Tatarstan on Procurement and the ETP of the Russian Federation invite you to a free webinar "Structured object of procurement: features of the work of customers".
From October 1, 2023, customers have an obligation to form a description of the object of purchase in a structured form.

September 2023

In connection with the amendments to clause 7 of the Rules for the use of the Catalog of Goods, Works and Services of the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 145 dated 08.02.2017, customers from 01.10.2023 are required to form a description of the object of purchase and a notification in a structured form using a unified information system in the field of procurement (hereinafter referred to as the EIS in the field of procurement).

On the official website of the Unified Information System in the field of procurement in the «News» section, the Treasury announced changes to version 13.3. It will implement new features provided for by Federal Law No. 44 and Federal Law No. 223. Updated user manuals and training materials will be available in the «Knowledge Base» section of the personal accounts of users of the Unified Information System in the field of procurement.

September 2023

Specialists of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of Russia explained that the unified register of Russian electronic products in electronic form is posted on the website of the state information system of industry at

September 2023

Deputy Finance Minister Alexey Lavrov spoke about the results of monitoring the contract system for the first half of 2023 at the session of the VII St. Petersburg Forum of Contract Relations.

September 2023

From the specified date, the provisions of paragraph 31 of the Additional Requirements for operators of electronic platforms, operators of specialized electronic platforms and the functioning of electronic platforms, specialized electronic platforms (hereinafter referred to as Additional requirements) approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated June 8, 2018 N 656. According to the specified paragraph, when forming a participant's proposal for the object of procurement provided for in paragraph 2 of part 1 of Article 43 of Federal Law No. 44, with the use of an electronic platform, are formed

September 2023

Today, on September 21, 2023, the VII St. Petersburg International Forum of Contract Relations is being held in St. Petersburg, at which Deputy Chairman of the State Procurement Committee of the Republic of Tatarstan Alesya Islamovna Muzalevskaya is among the invited guests.

Specialists of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation in order to implement the decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of August 22, 2023 N 1368 developed a draft application forms necessary for the formation and updating of the list of medical devices, specialized medical nutrition products necessary for prescribing to a patient for medical reasons (individual intolerance, for vital indications) by the decision of the medical commission, which is recorded in the patient's medical documentation and the journal of the medical commission, in the description of which when making purchases for state and for municipal needs, it is allowed to indicate the trademark (hereinafter - the List).

September 2023

In connection with the introduction of the obligation to form procurement notices with the implementation of structured characteristics of the object of purchase in the notice from October 1, 2023, the State Procurement Committee of the Republic of Tatarstan recommends that customers of the Republic take part in the All-Russian meeting of the Federal Treasury on preparation for work on the description of the object of purchase in a new structured format.

According to the new paragraph 4, paragraph 2 of the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 20.09.2014  No. 963 "On the implementation of banking support of contracts", the Rules for the implementation of Banking support of contracts approved by this resolution (hereinafter referred to as the Rules) do not apply, including with respect to contracts for which funds are subject to treasury support.

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