The unified information system in the field of procurement will not work due to the update. Important innovations will be reported to your personal account

27 September 2023, Wednesday

On the official website of the Unified Information System in the field of procurement in the «News» section, the Treasury announced changes to version 13.3. It will implement new features provided for by Federal Law No. 44 and Federal Law No. 223. Updated user manuals and training materials will be available in the «Knowledge Base» section of the personal accounts of users of the Unified Information System in the field of procurement.

On September 25, the Treasury held an All-Russian meeting «New opportunities of the State Information System «Unified Information System» version 13.3”. The key topic of the meeting is a digital contract, the functionality of which becomes available as a right to electronic procedures for all customers under Federal Law No. 44. Other innovations are also highlighted:

- structured characteristics of the object of purchase in the notice;

- control of orders on making a treasury payment in the personal account of the control body of the Unified Information System in the field of procurement;

- improvements to the functionality of digital activation;

- the work of corporate information systems in a single information system in the field of procurement.

The materials of the meeting will soon appear in the Unified Information System in the field of procurement - information about the placement of the video recording of the event will be sent to users' personal accounts.

The announced changes in the system will be available to users from October 2.

And from 12:00 on September 30 to 14:00 on October 1, Moscow time, routine maintenance will be carried out on the official website of the Unified Information System in the field of procurement. During the work, the Unified Information System will not be available.

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