September 21-22, VII St. Petersburg International Forum of Contract Relations

21 September 2023, Thursday

Today, on September 21, 2023, the VII St. Petersburg International Forum of Contract Relations is being held in St. Petersburg, at which Deputy Chairman of the State Procurement Committee of the Republic of Tatarstan Alesya Islamovna Muzalevskaya is among the invited guests.

This year, experts will review international experience in organizing public procurement, current issues of procurement legislation, procurement specifics taking into account national interests and security, law enforcement practice of control bodies, experience in procurement by authorized bodies of regions, as well as the development of the contract system in the territories of new subjects.

Valery Nikolayevich Moskalenko, Vice-Governor of St. Petersburg, addressed the Forum participants with a welcoming speech: "The Contract Relations Forum is a platform for meeting and constructive dialogue of managers and specialists from absolutely different industry departments, institutions and enterprises from all over the country. The geography of the participants of the event allows us to look at the implementation of the provisions of 44-FZ from a different angle and offer the state bodies that regulate and control procurement, the best and most effective solutions to problems, to share their successfully implemented practices."

The Forum is broadcast online, the connection is free via the link.

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