On the structuring of purchases from 01.10.23 and the placement of instructions

27 September 2023, Wednesday

In connection with the amendments to clause 7 of the Rules for the use of the Catalog of Goods, Works and Services of the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 145 dated 08.02.2017, customers from 01.10.2023 are required to form a description of the object of purchase and a notification in a structured form using a unified information system in the field of procurement (hereinafter referred to as the EIS in the field of procurement).

In order to improve the efficiency of procurement placement and provide methodological support to customers of the Republic, the State Procurement Committee of the Republic of Tatarstan has developed a brief instruction on the formation of a description of the procurement object in a structured form in the Regional Information System zakupki.tatar.ru (FIG, "Electronic store") and a letter was sent in Electronic document Circulation No. 05-16/838 dated 09/26/2023.

Also in the user's personal account in the knowledge base on the EIS website in the field of procurement, there are detailed instructions for working with a structured application and contract in the EIS in the field of procurement, developed by the Federal Treasury of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation.

You can get acquainted with all the instructions on the official website of the State Committee in the sections "Information for customers under 44-FZ" - "Methodological recommendations for customers (Memos and instructions)" or by clicking on the link.

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