May 2024

The winner presented to the customer a signed draft contract and an independent guarantee to ensure its execution. He paid a commission for receiving it. Since the inspectors found violations in the purchase, the protocol of summing up and the procedure for concluding the contract were canceled.


May 2024

The letter prepared by specialists of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation emphasizes that if the contract includes the condition provided for in paragraph 2 of part 14 of Article 34 of Law No. 44-FL, if the counterparty violates the terms of the contract, the customer is obliged to apply appropriate liability measures, including withholding the amount of unfulfilled claims for payment of penalties (fines, penalties) from the amount to be paid payment to the counterparty.

May 2024

Experts of the antimonopoly department note that since the confirmation of compliance of the procurement participant with the requirements set out in paragraph 1, part 1, Article 31 of Law No. 44-FL is the presence of an appropriate entry in the register of licenses, the establishment by the customer of a requirement for the procurement participant to confirm the availability of a license solely by providing an extract from the register of licenses as part of the application may contain signs of violation of legislation about the contract system.

May 2024

On May 15, 2024, at 14:00, the State Procurement Committee of the Republic of Tatarstan will hold a free webinar for customers of the Republic of Tatarstan on the topic: On issues arising in the preparation of structured contracts.

The prosecutor demanded to invalidate 3 contracts for the supply of tools that the college had concluded with a single supplier. In the behavior of the customer, they saw the fragmentation of the purchase in order to avoid competitive procedures.

May 2024

The staff of the State Committee took part in the International action "Garden of Memory" as part of the celebration of the 79th anniversary of the Great Victory.

The inspectors complained that under the terms of the purchase for the supply of furniture, its color should have been agreed upon at the stage of execution of the contract.

May 2024

On May 26, Article 6-1-1 of the Federal Law "On State Defense Orders" will come into force. It provides for the creation of a federal product cataloging system for federal needs (hereinafter referred to as the federal cataloging system), designed to provide information to government customers, lead performers and performers regarding technical and qualitative characteristics, operating conditions of supplies, their developers, manufacturers and suppliers during the formation, placement and execution of state defense orders.

May 2024

The Board of Directors of the Bank of Russia decided to keep the key rate at 16.00% per annum. Recall that a similar decision was made at the last meeting.

April 2024

According to the terms of the purchase, the participants had to provide, among other things, a document on the payment of the contract, which was declared to assess the experience. According to the customer, the requirement was established, in particular, to reduce the risks of improper fulfillment of obligations by the counterparty.

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