New Year's gifts for children from socially vulnerable segments of the population are prepared by the Directorate of sports and social projects

18 October 2024, Friday

150 sweet New Year's gifts will be purchased by the ANO Directorate of Sports and Social Projects for children with disabilities and from large families, children from the charity fund for children and children of employees. The corresponding lot was placed by the State Procurement Committee of the Republic of Tatarstan on the electronic trading platform The customer is ANO Directorate of Sports and Social Projects.

According to the terms of reference, each sweet set weighing at least 600 grams should be packed separately in a soft toy — a travel pillow in the form of a snake. The remaining shelf life of the goods at the time of delivery must be at least 3 months from the shelf life set by the manufacturer. The initial cost of one sweet gift is 1.5 thousand rubles. The total purchase price is 225 thousand rubles.

The contractor will have to deliver New Year's gifts by December 11, 2024.

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