Updated criteria for the legality of the formation of lots when concluding contracts for the maintenance and repair of highways

7 August 2023, Monday

Experts of the antimonopoly department have formulated a new list of criteria, the violation of which, in their opinion, indicates the illegal formation of the lot:

- in case of purchase of works on maintenance (repair) of highways of the city:

for a city whose population does not exceed 1 million inhabitants, the initial (maximum) lot price should not exceed 1.2 billion rubles,

for a city with a population of more than 1 million inhabitants, the initial (maximum) lot price should not exceed 1.8 billion rubles,

the term of performance of obligations under the contract must be at least 6 months;

- in case of purchase of works on maintenance (repair) of highways of the subject of the Russian Federation:

for the I-III climate zone 1, the initial (maximum) lot price should not exceed 1.2 billion rubles,

for IV and Special Climatic Zone 2, the initial (maximum) lot price should not exceed 1.7 billion rubles,

for a subject of the Russian Federation, the population of the capital of which is more than 1 million inhabitants, the initial (maximum) price of the lot should not exceed 1.8 billion rubles,

for the federal cities of Moscow and St. Petersburg, the initial (maximum) lot price should not exceed 3.6 billion rubles,

the term of performance of obligations under the contract must be at least 6 months.

The Federal Antimonopoly Service also believes that the formation of a lot during the procurement of these works for a period of more than 6 months with lower values of the initial (maximum) contract price will contribute to the expansion of competition in this commodity market and additional budget savings.

The letter of the Federal Antimonopoly Service of Russia dated 04/24/2020 N IA/35241/20 was declared irrelevant.

Document: Letter of the Federal Antimonopoly Service of Russia dated July 26, 2023 N MSH/59508/23

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