In 2.5 months, Tatarstan's municipal customers have saved almost half a billion rubles based on the results of purchases

17 March 2025, Monday

Savings on contracts concluded in Tatarstan in 2025 amounted to 698 million rubles. Мондый мәгълүматларны республиканың Сатып алулар буенча Дәүләт комитетында узган киңәшмәдә әйттеләр.

Municipal customers saved more than 476 million rubles of budget funds, regional customers — 222 million rubles.

In total, since the beginning of 2025, notices worth 26.3 billion rubles have been published, and contracts worth more than 18 billion rubles have been concluded.

"Reducing the initial maximum price based on supplier proposals has allowed us to achieve savings when concluding contracts. Customers purchase necessary goods, works and services, save budget funds, and plan purchases in the longer term," said Marat Ziatdinov, head of the department.

During the meeting, they also recalled a number of changes in the legislation on the contract system.

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