Small purchases under Law No. 44-FZ: the draft of the Ministry of Finance is published

17 March 2025, Monday

The Ministry of Finance has developed draft amendments to the Law on the Contract System aimed at implementing the Concept of Improving Small-volume Procurement for the period up to 2027, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 06/26/2024 No. 1636-R.

Amendments are being made to Articles 93 and other provisions of Law No. 44-FZ.

The key innovations envisaged by the project are:

- a legal framework is being introduced for the formation and use of a single catalog of specific products (CCT). The nuances of maintaining and applying this catalog will be determined by the Russian Government.;

- The ECTT will be used by the participants to form proposals, and by the customers to form the object of purchase. From among the offers, it will be possible to choose the best price in an automated manner.;

- the selection of the best offers from the participants will be made among the offers posted on all electronic platforms. No more than the top three offers will be automatically selected from them. The customer will be able to aggregate offers and form the best ones in the EIS.;

- both the customer and the participant will have the right to cancel the contract. Enforcement of such purchases will not be established.;

- the specifics of the functioning of sites for small purchases are being clarified.

The draft law is accompanied by a list of regulations to be adopted and adjusted in order to implement innovations.

The public discussion of the project will end on March 28, 2025.

If adopted, the changes will take effect on January 1, 2026.

Document: Draft Law (Project ID: 01/05/03-25/00155471)

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