How can I calculate the price of a single specification item when sending a draft contract for signing to the winner of the purchase?

23 April 2024, Tuesday

The specialists of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation emphasize in their letter that the contract based on the results of the electronic procedure is concluded at the price offered by the winner of the purchase. At the same time, if the contract provides for the supply of several items of goods, the total cost of each item can be recalculated by the customer in proportion to the reduction coefficient from the "original" price of the item, provided that the price of the item of goods was indicated in the notification. The resulting total value of the product items and the total final contract price are included in the draft contract sent to the winner of the purchase.

It is also noted that the procurement participant forms a protocol of disagreement in case of disagreement regarding the information included in the draft contract, indicating information that does not meet the requirements set out in the procurement notice and the provisions of the procurement participant's application.

Document: Letter of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation dated March 18, 2024 N 24-06-06/24003.

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