On November 16, 2023, a meeting with a live broadcast on the topic "Structured contract" will be held

15 November 2023, Wednesday

Tomorrow, November 16, 2023, from 10:00 to 12:00 Moscow time, the Office of the Federal Treasury for the Republic of Tatarstan is scheduled to hold a meeting on the topic "Structured contract".

Representatives of the Department for the Development of the Contract System of the Federal Treasury and the Interregional Contract Department of the Federal Treasury, as well as specialists of the UIS Development Center, will explain the issues of regulatory regulation and practical aspects of the application of the digital contract.

The meeting will be broadcast live in the official group of the Federal Treasury "VKontakte".

The link to connect to the meeting is here

The participants of the meeting will be able to ask questions to the speakers in the comments of the Telegram channel GIS AIS PROCUREMENT.

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