Tatarstan entrepreneurs were told about life hacks for working with public procurement

13 September 2023, Wednesday

The republican forum of entrepreneurs "Innovations in public procurement" was held in Kazan. What business needs to know." Naila Volodina, General Director of the Procurement Development Center of the Republic of Tatarstan, said that the event is mostly devoted to various life hacks in working with public procurement.

According to her, this is the third such meeting. The first one was devoted to the basics of working with public procurement and the first steps in working with them, and the second one told the participants about the sites where beginners should start working.

"This is not the first event that we are holding. First of all, it is necessary for suppliers to gain knowledge and confidence in working with purchases, because, as a rule, those who have not yet participated in purchases or have negative experience come to such meetings," she said.

According to Volodina, at the forum entrepreneurs will learn about the rules of participation in public procurement and what needs to be done to increase the chances of winning.

The participants were told about typical mistakes in procurement, points of business development under sanctions, the banking sector, antimonopoly control and the electronic document management system.

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