Medical public procurement without an equivalent: the rules for the formation of the list of goods will work from September 1

28 August 2023, Monday

When purchasing medical products and medical nutrition by the decision of the medical commission, a trademark without an equivalent can be included in the description of the object of purchase. An important condition is that the products are in a special list. From September 1, 2023, the rules for its formation will take effect.

The rules, among other things, determined that the application, including the inclusion of products in the list, is sent to the Ministry of Health according to the forms that it will approve. Federal executive authorities, executive bodies of constituent entities of the Russian Federation (chief freelance specialists) in the field of health protection and medical organizations will be able to submit the document. They will do it on paper with an e-mail address or in electronic form. In the latter case, it will be certified with a qualified electronic signature.

The statement will give:

types of products according to the nomenclature classification, names of diseases (conditions) and their corresponding codes according to the international classification of diseases, in the treatment of which such products are used;

groups of specialized food products for the treatment of diseases with a code according to the international classification of diseases.

Products for the list must have a registered trademark.

Information about the decision will be posted on the website of the Ministry of Health. The latter will inform the applicant about it. With a positive decision, the agency will also form a draft regulatory legal act on the inclusion of goods in the list.

Document: Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation of 22.08.2023 N 1368

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