A federal-level expert will tell Tatarstan procurement specialists the basic rules for applying the national regime

13 March 2025, Thursday

Tatiana Trefilova, a professor at the Department of Regulated Procurement with 20 years of teaching experience, a leading Russian specialist and business coach in the field of public and corporate procurement, will speak at the seminar "Application of the National regime in Procurement in 2025 and TOP 10 customer mistakes" on March 31. The training is organized by the RT Procurement Development Center JSC.

The main topics of the seminar:

- Prohibitions, restrictions on admission, advantages of Russian goods, works, services

- The composition of applications, documents confirming the country of origin of goods, works, services

- Actions of the procurement commission on the application of the national regime at the stage of consideration, evaluation and comparison of applications

- Application of the national regime in non-competitive procurement methods, including purchases from a single supplier (contractor, contractor)

- Features of procurement for the needs of national defense and state security

- Mistakes made by customers at the stages of the procurement cycle: from planning to reviewing applications

- New administrative responsibility of customers and members of the procurement commission.

The training format is full—time. Online broadcast from 10:00 to 16:00.

The number of seats is limited, registration on the website https://zakupki.tatar/seminars/primenenie-natsionalnogo-rezhima-v-2025-godu-v-zakupkah-i-top-10-oshibok-zakazchikov/.


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