Since March 11, the rules for calculating the NMCC for the purchase of medical products have changed

12 March 2025, Wednesday

On March 11, 2025, changes came into force in the procedure for calculating the initial maximum contract price for public procurement of medical devices. Now, when determining the weighted average price, customers will be able to take into account contracts concluded not only in their region, but also in neighboring regions or within the same federal district. In the absence of such contracts, it is allowed to take into account at least three prices of contracts executed in any region of the Russian Federation during the last three years.

Amendments were made to the order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation No. 450n dated May 15, 2020, which regulates the procedure for determining the NMCC in the procurement of medical products. It sets out the methods of forming the contract value, including the use of weighted average prices.

Previously, the document provided for two methods of calculating the NMCC for medical devices that do not fall under the state defense order, the registry of the radioelectronic industry, rehabilitation equipment, services and products with state price regulation: the method of comparable market prices or a method based on an analysis of the prices of three contracts concluded and executed without penalties within three years prior to filing the application.

The rules for the formation of the NMCC were approved by the Ministry of Health in May 2020 and have been developed since the fall of 2019. One of the key innovations was the inclusion of maintenance and consumables in the calculation.

In the summer of 2022, the order extended to purchases of disposable medical products made of polyvinyl chloride plastic (PVC). In July of the same year, the Russian Government amended Resolution No. 102, removing the "Third Superfluous" clause from it and thereby obliging customers to determine the NMCC for medical products made of PVC by Order No. 450n.

Document: Order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation No. 26n dated January 22, 2025

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