New rules for working with contracts in the EIC: conclusion, amendment and termination from April 1, 2025

10 March 2025, Monday

New rules will come into force on April 1, 2025, obliging customers to use the Unified Information System (UIS) at all stages of concluding, amending and terminating contracts under Federal Law No. 44-FZ.

For more information about the changes, see the letter from the Moscow Office of the Federal Treasury.:

1. Mandatory conclusion of contracts through the EIS:

From 04/01/2025, the requirement to conclude contracts through the Unified Information System (UIS) for purchases from a single supplier under paragraphs 2 (except exceptions), 6, 6.1, 11, 12, 54 and 55 of Part 1 of Article 93 of Federal Law No. 44-FZ.

Until 31.03.2025, customers have the right to voluntarily apply this rule from 01.01.2025.

In other cases of purchases from a single supplier (except for items 4, 5, 23, 42, 44 and 46), the use of the EIS is also possible from 01.01.2025.

Before signing, draft contracts are monitored by the supervisory authority in the Unified Information System, including checking the source of financing and the maximum amount of the advance.

2. Additional agreements via the EIS:

Starting from 04/01/2025, all additional agreements to contracts concluded using electronic procedures must be concluded through the EIS.

The new rules apply to contracts concluded before 04/01/2025, if they were executed through the EIS and there had previously been no agreement to change the terms of the contract without using the EIS.

The draft supplementary agreement is monitored when the object of purchase, the source of financing, or the amount of the advance is changed.

3. Termination of contracts through the EIS:

From 04/01/2025, agreements on termination of contracts concluded based on the results of electronic procedures must also be concluded exclusively through the EIS.

Such agreements are not sent to the control body for verification, but are automatically monitored in the system.

Information about budget obligations generated in the Unified Information System is still subject to verification by the control body through the personal account.


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