3.8 million rubles will be allocated for the development of the Visit Tatarstan portal

18 September 2024, Wednesday

It is planned to allocate more than 3.8 million rubles for the provision of a range of services for the development of the official tourist portal of Tatarstan, Visit Tatarstan. The relevant information on the website of the unified information system was posted by the State Procurement Committee of the Republic of Tatarstan. The customer is the State Committee of the Republic for Tourism.

As part of the execution of the contract, the contractor will need to organize the republic's participation in the online tourism exhibition "Know Our: Winter 24/25" as a strategic partner. A comprehensive online event that will be useful for all players in the tourism market will be held from October 7 to 27, 2024 at the professional tourism www.profi.travel .

In addition, the contractor will have to ensure the development and publication on the Internet of a landing page with a description of Tatarstan's tourist opportunities, form a dynamic audience segment based on big data to further conduct an advertising campaign for the region's tourist opportunities, as well as conduct an advertising campaign by automated display of targeted media advertising to an audience of travelers with real travel experience.

The services will be provided from the moment of signing the contract until December 31, 2024 inclusive.

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