The Treasury told us when the limits will be withdrawn from customers

27 May 2024, Monday


The Agency has posted a letter with a schedule of measures to revoke budget commitment limits in 2024.

The territorial bodies of the federal Treasury suspend operations on the personal accounts of the chief administrator of budgetary funds and recipients of federal funds and withdraw the remaining limits of budgetary obligations under the rules of Resolution No. 1496. At the same time, the limits will be withdrawn taking into account the provisions of the letter of the Ministry of Finance dated 03/04/2024 No. 02-11-09/19518.

Recipients of federal funds must send information about the limits to the territorial bodies of the federal Treasury through the Electronic Budget system. The exception is contracts with state secrets. According to them, information is transmitted in paper form with an electronic copy of the document attached.

What and in what time frame budget recipients should be able to do:

by May 31, information on budget obligations and orders on treasury payments should be transmitted to the territorial bodies of the federal Treasury;

to pay off state contracts by June 1 with the condition of payment at the expense of the limits of budget obligations of the reporting year;

By June 6, the territorial bodies of the federal Treasury should be informed about the amounts that are not subject to recall.

Additionally, the Treasury recalled the conditions for revoking the limits of budget obligations under contracts of previous years with payment in the current financial year. The remaining limits under such contracts

are withdrawn to the personal accounts of the main managers of federal funds, if such limits are reflected in the accounts of the managers of federal funds;

they are not recalled if they were brought to fulfill contracts with treasury collateral obligations. The condition in such contracts must be stipulated by January 1, 2024.

Document: Letter of the Treasury dated 05/17/2024 No. 07-04-05/03-13389.

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