They want to extend a number of anti-crisis measures in public procurement: the project has been submitted to the State Duma

15 November 2023, Wednesday

According to the project, in 2024, the norm on the right of the customer not to require the performance of the contract and warranty obligations will continue to apply. It was also proposed to extend the government's ability to establish additional cases of purchases from a single supplier. Read more in the review.

Ensuring the performance of the contract and warranty obligations.

The right of customers not to demand the enforcement of the contract and warranty obligations is planned to be extended until December 31, 2024. The relief will still not take effect if an advance is provided for in the contract and settlements in part of the advance are not subject to treasury support.

The only supplier

According to the project, the limitation of the maximum annual volume of small purchases of 50 million rubles will not be taken into account by individual customers until December 31, 2024.

Next year, it was proposed to extend the government's right to establish additional cases of non-competitive procurement. They want to preserve this opportunity for the subjects of the Russian Federation — cities of federal significance.

It is also planned that the government will be able to approve a list of goods, works, services that other regional customers have the right to purchase from a single supplier.

The draft clarified that the contract based on the results of non-competitive procurement on additional grounds should be concluded no later than December 31, 2024.

Contract adjustment

Until December 31, 2024, they want to extend the right of the parties, at the suggestion of the customer, to change the amount of medicines, medical devices and consumables under the contract within 30%. If the volumes decrease, the parties will be obliged to reduce the contract price proportionally. If you increase it, you have the right to increase it proportionally.

Also, according to a special rule, the parties want to be allowed by consent to change the essential terms of the contract, which was concluded before January 1, 2025, if due to unforeseen circumstances it cannot be fulfilled. Now, if a number of conditions are met, it is possible to adjust contracts that were concluded before January 1, 2024.

Document: Draft Federal Law No. 475970-8

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