The number of industrial products with confirmed production in Russia has increased 260 times in 7 years

14 November 2023, Tuesday

Government Decree No. 719, which entered into force on 17.07.2015, without exaggeration, became the basis for the development of domestic industry. Securing the status of a domestic manufacturer and, as a result, access to state support and the state order market have become effective tools for stimulating demand for Russian products.

Since the creation of the register and until the end of 2016, the Ministry of Industry and Trade of Russia has issued about 1000 conclusions on the origin of products in the territory of the Russian Federation in paper form. In 2020, by the time the process of obtaining a conclusion was digitized on the basis of the State Information System of Industry, the register already numbered about 46000 positions. The digital service of the State Information System of Industry (hereinafter referred to as GISP) has significantly simplified and accelerated the procedure for confirming the origin for industrialists.

"Over the past seven years, the number of positions in the register of Russian industrial products has increased 260 times – from 1 thousand to 260 thousand. The number of industries covered has increased to 27. The introduction of the digital GISP service has significantly accelerated and simplified the confirmation procedures," said Vasily Osmakov, First Deputy Minister of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation.

It is significant that the reduction in the number of registry items due to the expiration of more than 130,000 product items in March 2023 was restored in six months. This once again proves the effectiveness and relevance of the registry as a measure to ensure demand for manufacturers. To date, more than half of the purchased goods under both 44-FZ and 223-FZ are Russian. 

In conclusion, it is important to note once again that the support of a domestic manufacturer begins with obtaining a conclusion and a line in the register of Russian products! The honorary title of a domestic manufacturer is also marked with a special individual sign "In the register of Russian products", which can also be obtained in the GISP.

Official website of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation


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