The Ministry of Health has approved regulations necessary for the formation of a list of medical products and food purchased under the trademark

25 October 2023, Wednesday

In the description of the object of purchase, it is allowed to indicate a trademark if we are talking about the purchase within the framework of Federal Law No. 44 of medical devices or specialized medical nutrition products that are needed for prescribing to a patient for medical reasons (individual intolerance, for vital indications) by decision of the medical commission, and these medical devices / products are included in a special list approved by the act The Government of the Russian Federation.

For the purposes of forming such a list, the forms have been approved:

- applications for the inclusion of a type of medical device / group of specialized medical nutrition products in the specified list;

- applications for the exclusion of a type of medical device / group of specialized medical nutrition products from the specified list (if the trademark is not registered in the Russian Federation or the type of medical device is excluded from the nomenclature classification).

The application, among other things, specifies information that justifies the inclusion of a type of medical device / group of specialized medical nutrition products in the list.

Such an application may be submitted by both the authorities and the main freelance specialists of regional health management bodies and medical organizations.

In addition, the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation approved the regulations on the interdepartmental commission that forms the specified list. It must include at least 15 people: representatives of the Ministry of Health of Russia, the Ministry of Industry and Trade of Russia, the Federal Antimonopoly Service of Russia, Roszdravnadzor, Rospotrebnadzor, as well as representatives of other authorities, chief freelance specialists of the Ministry of Health of Russia and regional health authorities and specialists of scientific, educational and medical organizations can be involved in the work of the commission.

The Commission considers and evaluates applications for the inclusion of a type of medical device / group of specialized medical nutrition products in the list and makes an appropriate decision.


Document: Orders of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation dated October 13, 2023 N 551н and N 550н

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