The specifics of the consideration of applications of participants in order to ensure the implementation of the requirements of Resolutions N 616 and N 617 are explained

12 October 2023, Thursday

Specialists of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of Russia noted that the information from the catalog of the state information system of industry ( /#/) may contain different information from that entered in the register of Russian industrial products ( /), and be of an introductory nature. Therefore, the customer should not reject the registration record of the participant who submitted it for industrial products, if it complies with the provisions of the "national regime" within the framework of Federal Law No. 44, but at the same time the catalog of the state information system of industry for these products does not contain exhaustive information required to meet the provisions of the notification. Additionally, it is noted that the commission independently decides on the conformity of the goods, guided by the general norms of Federal Law No. 44, and also checks the relevant registry entries from the register, in particular, for compliance with the country of origin of the goods and the requirements of current legislation.

Document: Letter of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of Russia dated October 4, 2023 N 106238/12

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