Alexey Lavrov: the reduction of the timing of public procurement by competitive means is being discussed

15 September 2023, Friday

The Eurasian Economic Commission is working on the issue of reducing the timing of public procurement by competitive means, if the document flow on them occurs in electronic form. This was told by Deputy Finance Minister Alexei Lavrov during a speech at the regional practical conference «10 years of the contract system: results and prospects».

According to Alexey Lavrov, we are talking about an auction and a competition. Currently, the minimum terms for such procedures are defined in the annex to the Treaty on the Eurasian Economic Union. «We have agreed, at least so far at the expert level of the Eurasian Economic Union, that for an auction, for example, where the deadline for posting a notice is set at 15 days, and the deadline for concluding a contract is 10 days, it is possible to reduce them by 2 times»,- he explained.

The Deputy Finance Minister also recalled the draft laws submitted to the Government of the Russian Federation, which are currently being prepared for submission to the State Duma. «One of them is aimed at simplifying and speeding up import substitution procedures. It is proposed to cancel the «third superfluous» mechanism, leaving only a ban on the purchase of foreign products and the «second superfluous» mechanism, as well as to abandon the formation of a list of products for price preferences.», - he noted.

The second bill is the chapter of the Code of Administrative Offences on violations in the field of the contract system. «The current version of this chapter largely does not comply with the current legislation. The new edition will increase the effectiveness of control», - said Alexey Lavrov.

The Deputy Minister drew attention to the possibility of starting procurement procedures in the regions immediately after the approval of the distribution of the relevant targeted inter-budget transfers, stressing that the current budget and procurement legislation cannot be the reason for delaying contracting.



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