The list of types of goods for which environmental requirements are imposed can be expanded

6 September 2023, Wednesday

The President of the Russian Federation has approved an instruction to the Government of the Russian Federation, together with the autonomous non-profit organization Agency for Strategic Initiatives for the Promotion of New Projects, to consider the feasibility of expanding the types of goods whose purchases meet environmental requirements, including specifying the minimum share of secondary raw materials used in their production. The deadline for the execution of this order is September 30, 2023.

Recall that from January 1, 2023, when describing the object of purchase related to the goods listed below, the share of secondary raw materials used in the production of goods is indicated.

Such products include:

- household and sanitary-hygienic paper products - toilet paper, paper towels, paper handkerchiefs, paper tablecloths, napkins for various purposes;

- solid surface coatings and landscaping elements - coatings made of recycled materials, paving slabs, curbs, fences;

- soft coatings - rubber tiles, rubber crumb coatings, soft roofing or other waterproofing materials;

- containers and bins for garbage;

- organic fertilizers, soil and soil suitable for technical purposes.


Document: List of instructions following the results of the plenary session of the forum "Strong Ideas for a New Time" (approved by the President of the Russian Federation on August 25, 2023, N Пр-1676)

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