Procurement Development Centre of the Republic of Tatarstan invites customers to the seminar on 223-FL
10 December 2014, Wednesday
Procurement Development Centre of the Republic of Tatarstan began accepting applicationsfor the seminarfor customersby Federal Law of18.07.2011 №223-FL "About procurement of goods, works and services of certain kindsof legal entities." Information aboutthe cost of participation, the date and venueof the seminarwill be presentedlater.Approximate timeof the seminar-December 2014 Application for participationin the seminar should be sentto the email (marked "Application for a seminar on223-FL") indicating the name ofthe organization, name and position ofthe participants.Telephone:(843)291-97-40.
The State Procurement Committee of the Republic of Tatarstan posted information on the website of the unified information system on holding an electronic auction for the supply of two Gazelle NEXT vans. The cost of one car is 3.6 million rubles.