A new procedure for classifying telecommunications equipment as goods of domestic origin has been developed

23 September 2024, Monday

The Ministry of Industry and Trade proposed to simplify the procedure for assigning telecommunications equipment the status of products of Russian origin.

The amendments affect the resolutions of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 07/17/2015 No. 719 and dated 07/10/2019 No. 878.

The section "Radio electronics products" of the annex to Resolution No. 719 is supplemented by a number of items related to telecommunications equipment. Thus, the confirmation of the production of these products in the territory of the Russian Federation will be carried out in accordance with the uniform requirements of Resolution No. 719.

The provisions governing the special procedure for assigning telecommunications equipment the status of telecommunications equipment of Russian origin are excluded from Resolution No. 878. Inclusion in the register of radio-electronic products will be carried out in a uniform manner for all radio-electronic products, including telecommunications equipment.

The changes will enter into force after one month from the date of official publication, with the exception of some innovations with a delayed implementation period. This will allow domestic manufacturers to switch to the updated rules in stages.

The public discussion of the document will end on September 25, 2024.

Document: Project ID 02/07/08-24/00150304

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