A new procedure for the purchase of vital medicines has been agreed

17 September 2024, Tuesday

The Ministry of Finance has finalized the rules for granting advantages to Russian drugs in public procurement, which will come into force from 2025. First, the "second extra" mechanism will be extended to vital medicines

The Ministry of Finance has amended the draft resolution, which, among other things, establishes the procedure for granting advantages to Russian manufacturers of medicines over foreign ones at state agencies.

According to the draft Government Decree, from 2025, the "second superfluous" rule will be applied when purchasing drugs included in the list of vital and essential medicines (VED). The mechanism will give an advantage to domestic drugs, even if they are not localized in Russia before the stage of synthesis of the active substance molecule, but compete with foreign applications. Thus, if an application is submitted for the purchase of a drug from the list of VED with a drug that is produced in Russia or the EAEU, starting from the stage of the finished dosage form, and such a drug meets the procurement requirements, then all foreign applications will be rejected.

If several Russian suppliers apply for the purchase, then a drug localized in Russia and the EAEU for a full cycle (including the production of a pharmaceutical substance) will have a price advantage of 15%.

The "second superfluous" rule will be applied when purchasing drugs from the list of strategically important medicines (SZLS) from July 1, 2025. Although the participants of the meeting at the Ministry of Industry and Trade reported that such an order was planned to be implemented no later than 2026, the document indicates an earlier date.

It is planned to connect SZLS drugs to the preference after the launch of the drug traceability system, which will confirm the Russian origin of the substance. An experiment is currently underway to test it, which should be completed by the end of the year.


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