The Treasury told about the violations committed by customers, revealed in the first half of 2023

13 February 2024, Tuesday

The Federal Treasury has prepared a review of the results of control activities in the subjects of the Russian Federation, identified systemic and systematic deficiencies and violations, as well as positive practices aimed at preventing violations in the financial and budgetary sphere in the first half of 2023.

In particular, the document analyzes violations of the requirements established in accordance with Law No. 44-FZ, which were committed by these persons, in part:

- compliance with the procedure for adjusting the terms of contracts;

- execution of the contract, acceptance, examination and payment of the executed contract;

- making demands to counterparties for payment of a penalty;

- achieving procurement goals.


Document: Letter from the Federal Treasury dated December 26, 2023 N 07-04-05/21-38919

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