What awaits a public procurement specialist in 2024

29 December 2023, Friday

From January 1, the notification will include more information. The list of imported industrial goods with access restrictions will be expanded. The criteria for selecting the only suppliers for the purchase of medicines will work. More details below.



The notification must contain a warning about administrative and criminal penalties for violating the requirements of the antimonopoly legislation on the prohibition of anti-competitive actions and agreements.

The innovation also concerns electronic small purchases.

Document: Federal Law No. 500 dated 05.12.2022


The national regime.

The list of imported industrial products with access restrictions will be supplemented with a position with the code 30.92.20 according to the All—Russian classifier of products by types of economic activity - electric wheelchairs (except parts and accessories) with the code 208480 of the type of medical device in accordance with the nomenclature classification of medical devices. The list of foreign medical devices with access restrictions will specify that they do not apply to these products.

The minimum share of purchases of Russian goods should be observed only in the part of named electric wheelchairs. The innovation should be taken into account when preparing a report on the volume of purchases of domestic products for 2024 and subsequent years.

Document: Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 02.09.2023 N 1443


The only supplier.

The criteria for selecting the only suppliers for the purchase of medicines will work. We are talking about suppliers who are determined by acts of the government or the president. The future counterparty must:

• be a legal entity and produce medicine at all stages on the territory of the member states of the Eurasian Economic Union;

• not to be under the control of a foreign investor or a group of persons;

• have over the past 3 years experience in the supply of medicines under government contracts or contracts under Federal Law No. 223;

• have a patent for the active substance. The document must be valid for at least the period for which such a supplier was selected.

Medicines for these purchases must also meet a number of criteria.

Document: Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 05/16/2023 No. 753

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