Modification and termination of government contracts: the draft on the new deadline for optimization amendments passed the State Duma

20 December 2023, Wednesday

In particular, it is planned that agreements on modification and termination of contracts, which were concluded, including based on the results of open electronic procedures, will need to be formed through a single information system in the field of procurement from January 1, 2025, and not from July 1, 2024 (paragraph 2 of article 3 of the draft).

Also, from July 1, 2024, to January 1, 2025, they want to postpone the deadline when the obligation to issue a contract with a single supplier based on the results of a failed purchase through a unified information system in the field of procurement will start working (paragraph 1 of article 3 of the draft). So, we are talking about a situation where an open competitive purchase was unsuccessful and the customer decided to conclude a deal with a single supplier.


Document: Draft Federal Law No. 390953-8

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