Independent guarantee, evaluation of applications and additional requests: innovations in public procurement since October 2024

26 September 2024, Thursday

They will change the standard form of the guarantee to secure the application. The regulations on the evaluation of applications will specify which documents can be taken into account to evaluate the experience. A new case will appear in the resolution on additional requirements when they need to be installed.

Independent warranty

The rules for maintaining the register of guarantees will fix the provision that for incompleteness, non-compliance with the legislation of data for inclusion in the register, etc. the customer and the guarantor who formed them will be responsible.

They will clarify the standard form of an independent guarantee to secure the application. When conducting a joint tender or auction, the beneficiary will indicate the organizer of the joint purchase in the guarantee.

These innovations will come into force on October 1.

Regulation on the evaluation of applications

They will establish that in order to evaluate the experience, the customer will be able to accept:

- only state contracts or contracts under Law No. 223-FZ;

- executed contracts for work for which, according to the GRK of the Russian Federation, a permit is provided for the commissioning of a capital construction facility. An important condition is that work from the purchase object also requires such permission.

If information about the documents confirming the experience is available in publicly available state registers, then participants will be able to submit an entry number from the corresponding register.

These innovations will come into force on October 1.

Additional requirements

They will fix, in particular, the condition that additional requirements are applied regardless of the scope of the customer's activity. They will also need to be installed when purchasing services for washing textiles, cleaning them, including chemical ones. The exception is the situation when the NMCC is not higher than 500 thousand rubles.

The list of supporting documents (information) will be clarified, for example:

- for participants in the purchase of works on construction, reconstruction of a capital construction facility (except linear), which confirm the experience of fulfilling the contract under clause 1 of item 7 of additional requirements. It will be possible not to submit a permit for the commissioning of the facility if the purchased works and works from the confirming contract do not require its issuance under the GRK of the Russian Federation. So far, the permit is not submitted only if its issuance is not provided for by the GRK of the Russian Federation for works from the confirming contract;

- for participants in the purchase of catering services or food supplies. So, they should not have an outstanding or undelivered criminal record for violating sanitary and epidemiological rules.

These innovations will work from October 3.

Document: Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 09/23/2024 No. 1285

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