New conditions for Treasury support was allowed to be used before registration

29 January 2019, Tuesday

The acts that regulate the features of Treasury support in 2019 are still being considered by the Ministry of justice and have not been officially published. However, part of the documents customers and suppliers have the right to apply now. The Federal Treasury told which of the new NPAS to apply before registration and how long to be guided by the rules of maintenance of funds in 2018.

When to apply the 2018 rules

Now customers and performers must apply the rules that were in force in 2018 and approved in the orders of the Federal Treasury from 09.01.2018 № 3n, 4n, 5N. It is necessary to be guided by old standards until new orders are registered. Specialists of the Federal Treasury reported that will send to the Ministry of justice orders from 09.01.2009 № 1N, 2n, 3n. Legal acts contain:

requirements for the forms of documents that will be used in case of refusal to register a personal account;

the order according to which will provide information on financial transactions of the chief Executive of the state;

the rules by which the contract identifier is generated.

While the documents are not registered.

When to apply the 2019 rules

Already now customers have the right to apply the provisions of two documents, which are still in the Ministry of justice, but registration has not yet passed. NPA is regulated by separate mechanisms Treasury support:

order of the Ministry of Finance of 11.12.2018 № 259n-the document contains the order in which the Federal Treasury will allow financial transactions of funds from personal accounts;

order of the Federal Treasury dated 17.12.2018 No. 40N-legal act regulates the rules and cases when the Federal Treasury is obliged to refuse to register personal accounts or suspend their registration.

Document: letter No. 07-04-05/22-178 Of the Federal Treasury dated 10.01.2019

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