FAS made an exception to the rules for describing medicines for public procurement

21 June 2018, Thursday

When purchasing medicines, the requirements for the volume of the primary packaging should not be established. Exceptions are solutions for infusion.

Having studied the instructions for the use of Ropivacaine, the FAS Russia concluded that if the customer buys Ropivacaine in the form of an injection solution with a volume of at least 100 ml for an extended infusion, he can indicate the amount (volume) of the drug in the original package. The department proceeded from the fact that the manufacturers did not envisage the use of other forms of release of the medication for prolonged infusion and forbade mixing it with other drugs.

We believe that this conclusion can be extended to other similar situations.

Document: Letter of the Federal Antimonopoly Service of Russia dated 17.04.2018 N AK / 26895/18

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