The Ministry of Finance proposes to expand the list of exceptions from the scope of Law No. 223-FZ

29 March 2018, Thursday

It is proposed to add the following to the list of relations not covered by this law:

acquisition of shares in the authorized (share) capital of business entities, partnerships and units in the mutual funds of production cooperatives;

joint investment activity on the basis of the investment partnership agreement, which provides for a monetary form of return of the contribution to the common assets of the partners.

Now, according to the Law N 223-FZ, the sale and purchase of shares in joint-stock companies is excluded from the sphere of its regulation. The addition of this rule to the first of the described changes, according to the Ministry of Finance, will create a full-fledged exception.

The second change, as noted by the financial department, will expand the scope of use by customers of the investment partnership agreement. Now people who are not customers under Law N 223-FZ refuse to enter into partnership with customers, since then the activities of the partnership will be subordinated to the norms of this law.


Draft federal law (public discussion ends on March 30, 2018)

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